Home > Smiling and feeling better...

Smiling and feeling better...

June 11th, 2007 at 08:07 am

after a wonderful weekend.

DD's ear is almost better, well enough for her to be able to play with a friend yesterday. Amazing how these kids bounce back so quickly.

My aunt took me out for brunch - it was so nice to spend time with her without DD (I love her lots but you need adult time). Afterwards she took me shopping to buy a little fan heater to put under my sewing table so that I wouldn't freeze at night. Oh what a difference - I didn't have to go to bed because I was cold Smile Smile and was able to sew and sew and sew...

Finished a sweatshirt for DD's friend birthday gift (with embroidery)!
Made 2 pairs of pj's for DD
Cut out 2 pairs of sweatpants for myself and 3 pairs for DD.
Finished 1 pair for myself.

Savings (to come off sewing machine cost):
DD's friends gift: $10
PJ's x 2: $20
My Sweatpants: $15
So saved: $45
Plus the order for the T-shirts: $75.71 = $ 120.71

Will deduct the other items when I have finished them.

New total for $20 Challenge: $283.95

Managed to finish the laundry but the tidying up hmmmm... well ... okay next subject Smile Smile

Managed 2 No Spend Days for the weekend - total for the month = 4 No Spend Days

Well I had better get back to work - did this during my break

Speak to you tomorrow...

3 Responses to “Smiling and feeling better...”

  1. moi aussi Says:

    Good job! So glad you had a nice and productive weekend.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Thats great you got a heater! That will be awesome to sew while you are nice and toasty! Wish I had that talent! Made myself a dress once, could'nt raise my arms! Smile

  3. Freeme Journey Says:

    Boo you always make me laugh - you sound like my aunt. She tried her hand at sewing and ended up with a "something" which ended up being cut up for rags.
    Smile Smile

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